Sunday, 1 August 2010

TWTW: 26 July - 1 August 2010

Monday 26 July 2010

Bike: 60mins (Total)
45mins EM, L12;
15mins hill intervals (60sec hill (L13-20) with 60sec recovery on L10)

W/S: High reps - 3 exercises per body part; 15-20reps x 3 sets
Seated row
Lat pulldown
Reverse cable fly
Rope pressdown
2 hand overhead
DB extension
1 arm cable tri pressdown
Turkish get ups ("TGU") - (12 total reps; i.e. 6 each side) with 5kg DB
Plank - 30seconds
SB crunch (12 reps)
Pu??? Press (12 reps) (can't remember the name, saw it in "Men's Fitness" -uses a cable stack)

Busy, busy, busy - no time to write my thoughts about today's session - not to mention I think my enteries are getting a tad to "samey"!

Tues 27 July 2010

W/S: High reps - 3 exercises per body part; 15-20reps x 3 sets
Leg press
Leg extension
Lunges (with DBs)
Leg curls
DB Romanian Deadlifts

Bike: 30mins, L12, EM

Run: 30mins
1min walking warm up @3.5mph
1min @6.0mph 1min @3.5mph
1min@6.0mph 1min @3.5mph - - all of above at 1.0% incline
Increase to 4.0% incline 1min @7.0mph - recovery at 3.5mph until heartrate decreases to 120bpm
[30sec @ 9mph - recovery at 3.5mph until 120bpm] - repeat for 15mins total time (i.e. including all of preceeding run/walk)

[30sec @ 15kmh - recovery at 5.5kmh until 120bmp] - repeat for 15mins

W/S: High reps - 3 exercises per body part; 15-20reps x 3 sets
Arnie press
Lateral raise
Front raise
Upright row

A pretty tough session; the run in particular. I wasn't too sure about doing weights before my cardio, particularly given today's focus was legs, but I thought I'd give it a go and if I got too tired, didn't feel up to it, I'd cut it short, or switch activities. But…me being me, I gutted it out and managed to do the run. Definitely a challenge, but a good challenge. Pretty positive my run is getting stronger and faster.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

W/S: High reps - 3 exercises per body part; 15-20reps x 3 sets
DB flat bench press
Cable fly
DB incline bench press
DB pullover
Concentration curls
EZ bar curls
Rope cable curl

Bike: 60mins, L12, EM

Metabolic Circuit
=10 reps of each exercise done back-to-back in a circuit; no rest; repeat for 9 reps; repeat for 8, etc. descending to 1)
Assisted pullups (with 26kg "assist")
Press ups
Med. Ball sledgehammers

Abs - 3x 12 reps
Weighted Swiss ball crunch
Hanging knee raise

Body weight ("BW") pullup - 3 reps x2

Thursday 29 July 2010
Workout: NOTHING - gym closed

Friday 30 July 2010
Workout: (at home, the gym is STILL closed!! I am NOT a happy bunny!)

W/S: "Friday Challenge"(from Men's Fitness) - all reps of each exercise done, then move to next ex. To complete circuit - as many circuits as possible in 15mins

10 press ups
20 DB squat to rotating press (10 each side)
20 DB upper cuts (10 each side)
20 DB woodchopper lunges (10 each side)
Use DBs of approximately 1/10th of BW

Bike: 60mins - Turbo

Saturday 31 July 2010

Shoulder press
Bench press
Pull ups
Leg press
Leg extension
Leg curl
Romanian Deadlift
DB Press
Lateral DB raise
Upright row
Seated row
Lat pulldown
DB reverse fly
EZ bar - shoulder presses and bi curls (super set)

Bike: 60mins, L11, EM

ABs:3x 12 reps
Weighted SB crunch
Hanging knee raise

Bodyweight chin ups
2x 2reps
2x 3 reps

Trying to catch up on all the weights I "missed" during the week when the gym was closed - meant today's session was much more weights based than usual. With August starting tomorrow, I think I'd best get back to some more Tri specific training - think it's only 4 weeks away now - and this time, I think I might even taper!

Sunday 1 August 2010

Bike: 120mins, L11, EM

Power clean thrusters (i.e. power clean into a shoulder press)
Bench press

Chin ups
+5k x5
+12kg x5
+19kgx 8
+26kgx 10

A relatively easy bike based session, the intention being to take it a bit easier, but at the same time get the blood flowing (not to mention a bit of a sweat on!). I REALLY like the "power clean thrusters" something I've adopted from CrossFit (not sure they call it that, but that's where I got the idea from - from the "WOD"). A good friend has really got into CrossFit and I think I might give it a go once the "season" is over - I really need to spend the next 4 weeks getting "race ready" - perhaps a wee bit more time running and most definitely back into the pool!

August - into the 8th month of the year! I really hate to say it (as it no doubt makes me sound old!), but the year is just flying by. I suppose it's a function of the old adage "time flies when you're having fun" - or just so insanely busy time begins to blur! Don't get me wrong, as the year has gone on I think a whole lot of things have gotten a great deal better - here's to an even more amazing remainder of 2010!

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