Sunday, 18 July 2010

TWTW: 12 - 18 July 2010

Monday 12 July 2010

Bike: 60mins, EM, L11/12

W/S: Circuits - 12 reps of each exercise, then move to the next to complete circuit; repeat 3x
Chest press (45kg)
Seated row (35kg)
Leg press (90kg)
Romanian deadlift (40kg)
Cable press down (16.25kg)
Cable bicep curl (16.25kg)
1 arm DB shoulder press (12kg)
Swiss ball crunch (BW)

Deadlift (40kg) 3x12 reps

Another week, another new programme! I'm trying to convince myself that "this time", I'm going to stick with it, for the full 8 weeks and see what happens. I suppose I actually sort of started it, the end of last week, but I'm considering today to be the "official" start of the programme. So, 8 weeks from today will take me to 6 September, which is 2 weeks before holiday, which I'd think should be the time to focus on putting the finishing touches on what I'm hoping will be my new and improved "bikini bod"!

Hmmm….seem to be losing a bit of focus in terms of triathlon?? Afterall, isn't this "2010: A Tri Odyssey" as opposed to "2010: Bikiniquest"? Then again, what's wrong with wanting to look my best in my tri kit??

The bike was nice and easy, in hindsight, I think maybe I should have done some sort of intervals - be it, sprint, strength or hills. The thinking behind today's cardio session was to take it relatively easy on the basis of my intending to run home from work (eeee…running outside in the "real world" as opposed to on the treadmill in "gym world"?!?) which I'm guessing will see me "feeling it" in my legs a bit.

I've thought about running home (I live quite close to work, maybe a 30ish minute walk in the mornings?) for a while now, and even planned on doing it as soon as the weather got "nice"; which I defined as being not so cold as to require me to wear a coat to work - a coat being a supreme hassle to drag home on the run. That said, and despite buying not one, but two running packs (why buy one when you can buy two??) I still haven't gotten around to running home from work!. Having bought two more running packs (why buy two when you can buy four?? ) I feel I best get my butt in motion and actually use one of my many packs to run home (as opposed to collect dust in the flat!). In my defence, the first of the "new two" was a great deal, though I soon realised (even before it arrived in the post!) was going to be too small (yup, I'm a member of the "drag too much crap club"), I got another one on the weekend (which I think it probably about the right size (26L - though I still think I could do with a bit more room (as opposed to dragging less stuff??) which I've packed with run kit to run home from work. Not too sure how long it's going to take, if I'll like it, or whether I'll find it all just a bit too much. I'm hoping it sees me getting a bit more exercise, increasing my fitness and reducing my sometimes too high post work stress. Here's to hoping….

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Bike: 45mins, EM, L12

Run: 30mins; 1% incline
1min walking w/u @3.5mph;
4mins @ 6.0mph 1 min @ 6.5mph
4mins @6.1mph 2mins @6.6mph
5mins @6.1mph 3mins @6.7mph
5mins @6.1mph 4mins @6.8mph
1min @6.1mph

Treadmill walk: 15mins, 3.7mph; 7.0% incline

Whooee me! I'm feeling pretty gosh darn good again! Maybe it's cutting out the evening crap I was eating last week, maybe it's the afternoon meal replacement shake I've been having, maybe it's the "training effect", maybe it's or none of the above! Bottom line, I'm feeling good and as they say, I'm just gonna go with it. Despite my initial doubts, I did run home yesterday and really quite enjoyed it - was a nice way to de-stress and unwind after work (though a G&T is of course another nice way to de-stress and unwind after work!), not to mention not having to sit on a bus full of sweaty, grumpy (and sometimes smelly!) people. I'm not 100% sure how long it took as I forgot to bring a sports watch to "change into", but would guesstimate roughly 20mins, which isn't too bad at all. It was a tad strange changing into run kit in the loo, and of course I was rather fearful of running into colleagues during my be-shorted exit, but, having caught sight of myself in the mirror, I felt decidedly more confident, should I be spotted by a colleague. Don't get me wrong, I won't be looking to intentionally run into anyone, it's more that I felt the reflection I saw looked (to me) to be reasonably fit and athletic. At the risk of sounding like a paranoid, narcacistic fool, given that the majority of my colleagues know I'm a bit of a "gym freak", I'm terrified that they'll spy me in my shorts and think "gosh, for someone who goes to the gym a lot, she's not really that fit…". Just me and my paranoid considerations.

I enjoyed yesterday's run so much I've packed my kit to do it again tonight. Initially I'd thought I'd run home Mon, Tues and Wed, but, based on how much I enjoyed it, and it not taking particularly long, my current thinking is I might plan to run home most nights!

Having run home last night I was a bit worried that my legs would be really tired for today's session - they weren't. I think it could very well be the increased protein (I'm now having a protein shake with skim milk or soya after my workout as well as a further meal replacement shake in the afternoon about 4:30ish), but I'm feeling significantly more rested and stronger; most definitely a good thing. The bike was a pretty "easy" pedal, of the "just do it" sort, followed by the run which was a more focussed effort. Treadmill walk was just a function of wanting to do a bit more, of the sort I'm hoping will shape and tone my butt!

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Bike: 60mins, L10/13 alternating effort intervals
2mins L12 w/u + 3 min L13
1 min L13 + 2mins L10
2 min L13 + 4mins L10
3 min L13 + 6mins L10
4 min L13 + 8mins L10
5 min L13 + 10mins L10
5 min L13 + 5mins L10

W/S: Circuits - 12 reps of each exercise, then move to the next to complete circuit; repeat 3x
Chest press (47.5kg)
Seated row (37.5kg)
Leg press (105kg)
Leg curl (45kg)
Cable press down (16.25kg)
Cable bicep curl (16.25kg)
EZ bar shoulder press (30kg)
Swiss ball crunch (BW)

DB Crossbody pull & press
12kg DB - 3 sets of 12 reps
14kg DB - 1 set of 10 reps
16kg DB - 1 set of 8 reps

I did it again (with apologies to Britney, no "oops"), I ran home from work. Quite enjoyable (save for having to almost constantly keep pushing the ear buds from my iPod back into my ears (having made the decision to try running with music), and only took 15mins 50seconds (including a bit of waiting at traffic lights, stairs, etc.). I know it's not a terribly long or difficult run, but I'd like to think it might help my August tri run, not to mention my running and fitness more generally. Only downside (so far) seems to be the bruise I've developed on the inside of my left elbow - where it repeatedly hits a clip on the pack as I run. I've switched packs today (to a smaller pack - now only a 15L pack!) hoping it will be better (my elbow really is quite sore) and have ordered a "proper" run pack thinking this might help as well. The packs I've used so far are actually Deuter bike packs - a women's specific "Trans Alpine 26" and a "Race Exp Air" (today's pack). Although the Transalpine was pretty good (apart from the bruise inducing clip!) and I'm sure the Race Exp Air will also be good, I'm thinking a "proper" running pack might be a bit better - i.e. not move/jostle around as much as the bike packs seemed to (even though I was using all the various straps pulled quite tightly). Maybe I'm just a marketers dream?

Today's session wasn't terribly difficult, though the weights did have me puffing. Increasingly I'm coming to the view that I'm not working hard enough on the bike. That said, I am aware and trying very hard to be mindful of the fact that not every session needs to be a killer. Too much intensity, leading to no intensity - -meaning if you go hard all the time, your body isn't going to be able to cope with all the stimulus, and therefore won't adapt and recover adequately. Need to find the appropriate balance.

Quite enjoyed the weights, not sure if they're having any significant impact yet (how impatient can I be!!!?!? VERY!) but will keep on keeping on - Rome wasn't built in a day and all that!

Thursday 15 July 2010

Bike: 60mins, EM, L12

Treadmill walk: 30mins @3.6mph;
1-15% incline (20mins @15% incline; holding on)

I once again ran home from work, but got snagged on the bridge behind a whole hoard of people which I'm assuming was the result of the bridge having been up prior to my arrival and everyone having to walk on one side of the bridge because of the maintenance works on the other side. As a result, it really wan't possible to run for a pretty big portion of the bridge; it was more a matter of "cooling my jets" and trying to walk my way through and amongst the people as best I could (which, suffice it to say, can be a MAJOR challenge!). The stairs down from the bridge were HUGELY backed up, so I ran down the road and around the corner homeward - extending the route a bit (but not hugely). As a result of the various factors (conspiring against me!), my time was slower - 18mins. That said, I still felt good and was glad I did it (though I'd felt quite tired in the afternoon at work and seriously questioned my decision to once again run home!). Really enjoying the effect the run home seems to have on my mood - it's like I am literally and figuratively running away from work; most definitely a good thing (and far better for my liver than a nightly G&T!), even if my feet and lower legs are today feeling a teensy bit sore (thinking it might have been the shoes I wore yesterday).

Despite what I said about needing to focus or apply myself more during my bike sessions, I once again did a pretty straightforward, not too difficult bike. Hey ho. Maybe I'll up the intensity tomorrow? Treadmill walk was fine, though walking without holding on become a tad too challenging at the 15% incline. I'm sure it's probably better not to hold on (i.e. you engage your legs and glutes more when not holding on), but I'd like to think the walk was beneficial despite my holding on.

I've packed my run kit with the intention of running home again tonight despite being a teensy bit tired and the fact that it looks like it's going to rain if not pour later! Suppose it's pretty unlikely I'll melt in the rain…

Friday 16 July 2010

Bike: 30mins, EM, L12

Run: 35mins - 1% incline
[1 min walk @3.5mph + 1min run @6.0mph] x 5mins
[30 sec @7.0mph + 1 min @3.5mph] x5mins
[30 sec @7.5mph + 1 min @3.5mph] x5mins
[30 sec @8.0mph + 1 min @3.5mph] x5mins
[30 sec @8.5mph + 1 min @3.5mph] x5mins
[30 sec @7.5mph + 15 sec @3.5mph] x10mins

W/S: Circuits - 12 reps of each exercise, then move to the next to complete circuit; repeat 3x
Chest press (50kg/47.5kg)
Seated row (40kg)
Leg press (110kg)
DB RDL (18kg DBs)
Cable press down (16.25kg)
Cable bicep curl (16.25kg)
DB shoulder press (12kg)
Swiss ball crunch (BW)

DB Crossbody pull & press
12kg DB x 5 reps each arm
14kg DB x 5 reps each arm
16kg DB x 5 reps each arm
18kg DB x 5 reps each arm

4 days through the week, and so far I've run home from work every night! So far so good. Last night's run was good, maybe a teensy bit slower, but I did have a bit of waiting at lights as well as for pedestrians to realise that the heavy breathing coming up behind them was me running at them! The pack (i.e. the Deuter Race Exp Air) is quite good, save for the one strap seeming to "bite" into the right side of my neck - think it's just the way the straps sit, and the fact that they're not padded like the ones on the Transalpine 26 (which leaves me with the bruised left elbow…). I've got a bit of a mark or graze on my neck (to go with the fading bruise on my left elbow), nothing too painful, but enough that I noticed it in the shower last night.

Today's session started out pretty "tame", a mere 30mins on the bike on L12, the idea being to "save" my legs for my planned run which I knew would tax my legs pretty heavily. Fair to say it did. I quite enjoyed doing the 5 minute block intervals - gave me some time to "settle in" to the relevant speed and get comfortable with it. I read about the 100:50% intervals (i.e. where you're recovery interval is half the time of the work interval), thought they'd be quite challenging (??only 15 seconds to recover from a hard interval???) and was right, though I think I could probably have done the work interval at a slightly faster pace - next time.

Weights were good, I've increased a few of them, some too much. In particular, I'm thinking of the chest press where I couldn't quite get the full 12 reps. Managed my 3 scheduled weights workouts this week and feel better for doing it - yea me!

Saturday 17 July 2010

Bike: 2 hours, EM, L11

I was absolutely shattered yesterday afternoon/evening, to the point I was tucked up in bed before 9pm! So...I thought it best to make today's session relatively easy - a nice simply 2 hours on the bike - simple; and done.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Bike: 60mins, L12, EM

Crossbody DB pull press (number of reps below is for each arm)
12kg x 12 reps
14kg x 10 reps
16kg x 8 reps
18kg x 6 reps
20kg x 5 reps
18kg x 6 reps
16kg x 7 reps
14kg x 8 reps
12kg x 10 reps

I was somewhat torn as to whether or not to put in a session today, but, knowing I generally feel better (and am in a better mood!!) if I do, combined with the fact that I'm far more likely to eat crap on the weekend, I thought it best to "just do it", even if in a lighter, more moderate way.

The bike was nice, simple and straightforward, though I did seem to work up a pretty good sweat. I hadn't really planned on doing any weights, but got thinking about how much I enjoy the "cross body DB pull presses" (they hit a whole lotta muscle groups!) and thought "what the heck". Not too sure where the idea of doing them in a pyramid came from, but hey, it did, I did it, was suitably challenged (the 20kg reps were a bit of a struggle, but I DID manage them!) and felt good about doing them, and my workout. Another week, a lot more working out, and I'm feeling a whole lot fitter. Maybe it's just in my mind, maybe it's "real", I don't really know, and quite frankly, I don't really care. If I'm feeling better, that's what counts and matters to me!

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