Monday 14 June 2010
Bike: 60mins, EM
60mins, EM L12/13/14 - approx 30km
Row: 10mins - L9 - 2430meters
Although my scratchy throat is feeling a bit better, it seems now to have moved to my head; my nose now alternating between being blocked and runny. Notwithstanding my nose and slight cough (which I guess amounts to a "cold") I went to the gym, albeit an hour later (due more to being immersed in the book I was reading than my "cold". As usual, I felt better having worked up a bit of a sweat, my head clearing a bit as a result of the exertion. I'm enjoying the rowing, convinced it's going to get me even fitter and fingers crossed, haven't noticed any negative impact in relation to my back.
Despite taking yesterday as a "rest day", I don't know that I'd say I felt any stronger or more rested than usual - suppose my coughing and spluttering throughout the night sort of put paid to any deep, regenerative sleep.
Today's priority session was supposed to be a run session, but given my cold, and the gutload from yesterday's huge dinner, I switched it up for a bike session, though I suppose it wasn't terribly focused, more a "get something done" type sessions than anything particularly focused - I'd like to think the adage "something is better than nothing" applies to Tri training too!
Tuesday 15 June 2010
Bike: 60mins, EM L12/13
Bent over row
Romanian Deadlift
Shoulder press
Max squat/RDL&DL=50Kg
Bench press
Bike: 10mins, hard effort L12
Feeling REALLY flat. I'm getting really frustrated; I still have the blasted scratchy throat and it seems to have moved to my sinuses - grrrrrrr! I don't feel like training but yet I am (no doubt fearful that I'm either going to get horribly unfit by missing a session, or gain 15 (or more!) pounds overnight!!). Maybe I need some time off? Maybe it's just my body trying to get used to the new programme? Maybe, maybe maybe...
Wednesday 16 June 2010
Workout: Nada - home sick
Thursday 17 June 2010
Can't remember. Anything? I'm really not sure!
Friday 18 June 2010
Power cleans
DB bench press
Leg press (100s)
Cable deadlift and row
Bicep curls
Leg curls
Calf press (100s)
Shoulder press
Bike: 30mins, EM, L11/12
KBs - various exercises with the 12kg KB
Bike: 6 mins (started on the bike, but then felt like doing some sprints on the 'mill)
Run: 15mins total
30sec sprint (8-9.7mph) with 30-60 sec walking (at 3.5mph) recovery - repeat for total time
I continue to feel flat and frustrated. I'm working hard, but don't feel like I'm making any progress. Is this normal? Am I overdoing it? What to do, what to do….(apart from the all too obvious gorging on Ben & Jerry's and chocolate digestives…)
Saturday 19 June 2010
KBs - 30mins of various exercises;
3 circuits of exercises doing 10 reps each, using 8kg KBs (need to bring the 12KB next time)
Bike: 30mins, L11/12
Treadmill walk: 15mins total time
5 mins at 2.0% incline at 3.7mph with rucksack containing 8kg KB
10mins at 7.0% at 5.7kmh
KBs - 20-30mins
And the flatness continues….now supplemented with what can only be called a shi$ lousy mood. Oh joy.
Sunday 20 June 2010
Bike: 90 mins (2x45min sessions)
1x 45 mins - L12; averaging 34kmh!
1x 45 mins - L12; averaging 35 kmh!!
Hmmm…maybe I am making some progress? I felt a great deal stronger on the bike today, though I'm not 100% sure why. Maybe it was the 3 cups of coffee I had before hitting the gym (was reading on the sofa before going to the gym "late" (i.e. 11:30am); maybe it was the bit of toasted bagutte I had (i.e. some carbs before working out?). I'm not entirely sure, but am pleased to say my mood is significantly better than it was yesterday (though in fairness, it really wouldn't take much for it to be "better"!!) and I might even be feeling slightly less "flat"! Here's to getting back to being my usual, gung-ho, training-mad self!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Sunday, 6 June 2010
TWTW: 7 - 13 June 2010
Monday 7 June 2010
Bike: 60 mins - easy miles ("EM") L12, steady state EM; approx 32km
Run: 40mins E pace (9:20-9:50mins per mile), 1.0% incline
5 min walking warm up @3.5mph
30 mins @6.1-6.3mph (9:50-9:30mins per mile);
last 2 mins at 7.0mph 5 mins walking cool down @3.5mph
Treadmill Walk: 10mins @5.5kmh with 1.0% incline
Today's session felt surprisingly good. I was a bit apprehensive to start (i.e. thinking I would be exhausted, pushed too hard, etc.), but quickly found myself thinking "this isn't too bad". I was definitley pushing harder on the bike than I have before when doing "easy miles", I managed L12 for the duration of the 60mins, with an average speed over 30kmh. Moving from the bike to run was ok, I didn't really feel the "jelly legs" so often referred to, maybe I wasn't pushing hard enough on the bike, or maybe it was the 5min walking warm up that helped to get my legs fit to run? Don't really know.
I realise it's only day one of my "new programme", but already I feel like I'm making improvements and on my way to better results! Maybe not quite an age group win (well at least not until I'm a whole lot older and my age group has far far fewer super fast competitors!), but better than before, which, in my books, is good!
[8 min SS interval; L16 with 5 min recovery L12] x3
[8 min SS interval; L15 with 5 min recovery L12] x3
Remainder of 90mins, EM on L12
Single leg press - [15kgx15 reps] x5 sets
Chin ups ("CU")
Body weight ("BW") CU - x4
Assisted chin ups ("ACU") with 5kg x5
ACU with 12kg x6
ACU with 19kg x8
Pull ups ("PU")
Assisted PU ("APU") with 12kg x 2
APU with 19kg x 5
APU with 26kg x 5
Oops, it seems I didn't make it to the pool (again!). Guess it's true what they say about people spending the least amount of time doing the discipline they like the least. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like swimming, it's just that I seem to prefer swimming more in the "cooling off from baking myself in the sun while sipping cocktails" way than in the first bit of a triathlon sort of way. That said, from looking at the times of the people finishing significantly higher than me in my age group, it's blindingly obvious that they are MUCH better at the swim (not to mention the bike and run…). I could of course be wrong, but because so many people seem to be weakest at the swim, it would seem that if you can do really well (or at least significantly better than I HAVE done…(so far...) in the swim, you put yourself "ahead" in terms of a better overall time - adding to it with a strong bike and run.
So…I suppose it would make sense for me to focus a lot more on improving my swim - heck, maybe even make it to a "big pool" to do lengths longer than that permitted in our "glorified bathtub"!
The bike session was good and most definitely tougher than what I've been doing. Hoping it pays the relevant dividends in terms of improved time on the bike (not to mention making my jeans fit better!). I hadn't really planned on doing weights today, but just sort of felt like frying my legs that little bit more, and there's just something about chin ups and pull ups! I don't know about you, but I find it so incredibly impressive to see people being able to do bodyweight pull ups. Not really too sure why (beyond them being great exercises), but I've decided I want to be able to do a "respectible" number of body weight chin ups and pull ups. With this in mind, I think I'll work on doing a few at the end of my other sessions. Not too sure it will add a great deal to my tri performance (though I suppose it could/might), but pretty sure it will help me LOOK better in a tri top….
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Run: 60ish mins (think maybe it was a bit more; the below is my best recollection of what was a pretty intense session)
5 min walking warm up @3.5mph 5 min jogging warm up @6.1mph
Speed Intervals
A. Increasing Time
30 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
90 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
2mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
2.5 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
3 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
3.5 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
4.0 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 2 min RBI at 3.5mph
B. Increasing Speed
60 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @7.5mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @8.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @8.5mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @9.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @9.5mph with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @10.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
5min jogging cool down @6.1mph
Single leg squat
Stability ball press up
Bulgarian split squat
Horizontal cable (using straight bar) row
Overhead squat (using weight plate over head)
Single arm snatch
DB curl and press
Pull Ups
BWx1; APU (2.5kg-26kg weight assist)
Despite feeling (maybe) a teensy bit tired this morning, I cracked on with my planned run (think it was the new trainers that gave me that extra little nudge to the gym...any excuse for new trainers!!). I'm not entirely sure why, but I did the intervals above instead of the 3x1mile repeats at 8:30min per mile I was "supposed" to do; maybe I'll give the 8:30 miles on Friday. I'd like to think that doing some intervals is better than doing no intervals. That said, I suppose I should be focusing more on extended intervals (as opposed to 30 second intervals), which I would think will be more beneficial come race day (though the 30 second sprints will be useful for running to catch the bus that always seems to start accelerating as I approach...).
Today's weights (save for the pull ups which are on my "must do" list) were based on some stuff I pulled from one of the Carmichael books I got yesterday from one of C's workmates (another great big thanks to said workmate!!). Although I quite enjoyed them, I think they took quite a bit out of me, and as C's workmate (and several authors) have said, it's probably not a great idea to focus too much on weights "during the season" as it may interfere with my recovery and speed (two things I am most definitely not looking to interfere with!!). But then again, some other "authorities" suggest that doing 1 or 2 weights sessions a week can be really beneficial. What to do, what to do?? Given I'm looking to drop of my "surplus" muscle, maybe it makes sense to give them a rest for a while - say 2 weeks and see how I get on. That said, I'm sticking with the pull ups!
Thursday 10 June 2010
Bike: 85 mins
10 min warm up - L10-12
A. Steady State Intervals ("SSI")
5x [8:5 SSI - i.e. 8mins hard (L15-16) with 5min recovery (L10)]
B. Sprint Intervals ("SI")
2x [1:1 SI - i.e. 1 min sprint (L13-14) with 1min recovery (L10)]
2x [30sec:30sec - 30 sec sprint with 30 sec recovery]
A pretty tough session if the sweat puddles under the bike were anything to go by! That said, todays session was shorter than most of my sessions. I'm not entirely convinced, but I might just be coming 'round to the idea (and benefits of) doing a slightly shorter, but more intense session. I'm sure I'll still do some longer sessions, but maybe (just maybe) I don't need to spend as long as I've been spending in the gym? Hmm…
Friday 11 June 2010
Run: 60mins
10 min warm up - 5 mins walking @3.5mph; 5 mins jogging at 6.1mph (9:50 min per mile pace "mpm")
6x [1000m repeats with 1 min RBI @3.5mph]
1st - @6.7 (8:57 mpm)
2nd - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
3rd - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
4th - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
5th- @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
6th - @7.0+ - the end was in sight so I really went for it!
BWx1, adding one plate and increasing by one rep, up to 10 reps
Leg Press - 3x20 reps
starting with top weight (i.e. most assistance) in PU pyramid, work down the pyramid - i.e. 10reps, decrease weight, 9 reps, etc. to 1 (or as low as you can go!)
Leg Press - "burnout" - 40reps (35kg), 15 second pause, then 10 more reps! DB bench press - 1x25reps
Whew! A really good (if rather difficult!) session. Quite "enjoyed" (in the sense I felt like I was really working and accomplishing something) the run, but goofed on the first work interval, running a mile (i.e. 1600m) instead of 1km, it was only when I was trying to figure out how I would manage to get all the intervals and recovery done in 60 minutes that it occurred to me that a mile is significantly longer than a KM (1600m vs 1000m!!)! Good thing I'm not the one setting out the run or bike course anywhere!!
I'd like to think I'm getting faster and stronger on the run, but am not really too sure. I suppose (1) it's only week two of the "new programme" and (2) I'll only know for sure come race day!
Pull ups, chin ups, leg press and bench press - just a bit of extra fun for the day; hadn't really planned on it (save for the PUs and CUs), but….
Saturday 12 June 2010
Bike: 120 mins - EM
120 mins EM, L12/13
Rowing: 10 mins
L10 - 5mins - reasonably hard effort, but not crazy, full out effort
1 min rest/recovery
L9 - 5 mins - same effort as above
CUs/ACUs - assorted (i.e. BW and increasing assistance)
The weekend! I woke up with a slightly scratchy throat, but otherwise felt fine (i.e. no coughing, or stuffy, blocked up head) so think it's just a one-off, not that I'm coming down with anything. Today's session wasn't particularly challening, but I'd like to think it was still a good session. From the various things I've been reading, I'm increasingly convinced that it's important to take it a bit easier sometimes, not to always go full throttle in the gym, to the point of feeling like you're going to collapse - that sometimes it's a good idea to have a more relaxed session - still being active, but not bust-a-gut type active. Maybe I'm just trying to find a justification for cutting back and doing a bit less (get lazy?), or maybe I'm opening my mind to training in a different way?
No real reason for adding rowing to my session today other than just feeling like it, mixing it up a bit. It really is a great exercise, and purportedly one of the best for increasing your cardiovascular fitness (not to mention getting lean!), so it's got to be a good thing. Think I might work a few rowing sessions into my workouts next week and see how I get on (previously I've found that it can aggravate my back a bit).
Sunday 13 June 2010
Workout: "Rest Day"
Hard to believe (to those that know me and my gym obsession...), but I actually took the day off! My throat continues to feel "scratchy" and now my head is feeling slightly congested, my nose slightly stuffy. Unless the guilt gets to me later (which I'm thinking it wont...), I think I'm just going to spend the day resting, relaxing and eating plenty of crap on the sofa! No doubt I'll wind up beating myself up tomorrow morning when I jump on the scale, but hey, a bit of crap every once in a while is good for the soul - if not the butt and thighs...
Bike: 60 mins - easy miles ("EM") L12, steady state EM; approx 32km
Run: 40mins E pace (9:20-9:50mins per mile), 1.0% incline
5 min walking warm up @3.5mph
30 mins @6.1-6.3mph (9:50-9:30mins per mile);
last 2 mins at 7.0mph 5 mins walking cool down @3.5mph
Treadmill Walk: 10mins @5.5kmh with 1.0% incline
Today's session felt surprisingly good. I was a bit apprehensive to start (i.e. thinking I would be exhausted, pushed too hard, etc.), but quickly found myself thinking "this isn't too bad". I was definitley pushing harder on the bike than I have before when doing "easy miles", I managed L12 for the duration of the 60mins, with an average speed over 30kmh. Moving from the bike to run was ok, I didn't really feel the "jelly legs" so often referred to, maybe I wasn't pushing hard enough on the bike, or maybe it was the 5min walking warm up that helped to get my legs fit to run? Don't really know.
I realise it's only day one of my "new programme", but already I feel like I'm making improvements and on my way to better results! Maybe not quite an age group win (well at least not until I'm a whole lot older and my age group has far far fewer super fast competitors!), but better than before, which, in my books, is good!
Tuesday 8 June 2010
Bike: 90 mins - EM - 6x[8min SS with 5min RBI]
[8 min SS interval; L16 with 5 min recovery L12] x3
[8 min SS interval; L15 with 5 min recovery L12] x3
Remainder of 90mins, EM on L12
Treadmill Walk: 10mins, 5% incline @ 3.5-3.8mph
W/S:Single leg press - [15kgx15 reps] x5 sets
Chin ups ("CU")
Body weight ("BW") CU - x4
Assisted chin ups ("ACU") with 5kg x5
ACU with 12kg x6
ACU with 19kg x8
Pull ups ("PU")
Assisted PU ("APU") with 12kg x 2
APU with 19kg x 5
APU with 26kg x 5
Oops, it seems I didn't make it to the pool (again!). Guess it's true what they say about people spending the least amount of time doing the discipline they like the least. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like swimming, it's just that I seem to prefer swimming more in the "cooling off from baking myself in the sun while sipping cocktails" way than in the first bit of a triathlon sort of way. That said, from looking at the times of the people finishing significantly higher than me in my age group, it's blindingly obvious that they are MUCH better at the swim (not to mention the bike and run…). I could of course be wrong, but because so many people seem to be weakest at the swim, it would seem that if you can do really well (or at least significantly better than I HAVE done…(so far...) in the swim, you put yourself "ahead" in terms of a better overall time - adding to it with a strong bike and run.
So…I suppose it would make sense for me to focus a lot more on improving my swim - heck, maybe even make it to a "big pool" to do lengths longer than that permitted in our "glorified bathtub"!
The bike session was good and most definitely tougher than what I've been doing. Hoping it pays the relevant dividends in terms of improved time on the bike (not to mention making my jeans fit better!). I hadn't really planned on doing weights today, but just sort of felt like frying my legs that little bit more, and there's just something about chin ups and pull ups! I don't know about you, but I find it so incredibly impressive to see people being able to do bodyweight pull ups. Not really too sure why (beyond them being great exercises), but I've decided I want to be able to do a "respectible" number of body weight chin ups and pull ups. With this in mind, I think I'll work on doing a few at the end of my other sessions. Not too sure it will add a great deal to my tri performance (though I suppose it could/might), but pretty sure it will help me LOOK better in a tri top….
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Run: 60ish mins (think maybe it was a bit more; the below is my best recollection of what was a pretty intense session)
5 min walking warm up @3.5mph 5 min jogging warm up @6.1mph
Speed Intervals
A. Increasing Time
30 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
90 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
2mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
2.5 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
3 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
3.5 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
4.0 mins @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 2 min RBI at 3.5mph
B. Increasing Speed
60 sec @7.1mph (8:27mins per mile) with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @7.5mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
60 sec @8.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @8.5mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @9.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @9.5mph with 1.5 min RBI at 3.5mph
30 sec @10.0mph with 1 min RBI at 3.5mph
5min jogging cool down @6.1mph
Single leg squat
Stability ball press up
Bulgarian split squat
Horizontal cable (using straight bar) row
Overhead squat (using weight plate over head)
Single arm snatch
DB curl and press
Pull Ups
BWx1; APU (2.5kg-26kg weight assist)
Despite feeling (maybe) a teensy bit tired this morning, I cracked on with my planned run (think it was the new trainers that gave me that extra little nudge to the gym...any excuse for new trainers!!). I'm not entirely sure why, but I did the intervals above instead of the 3x1mile repeats at 8:30min per mile I was "supposed" to do; maybe I'll give the 8:30 miles on Friday. I'd like to think that doing some intervals is better than doing no intervals. That said, I suppose I should be focusing more on extended intervals (as opposed to 30 second intervals), which I would think will be more beneficial come race day (though the 30 second sprints will be useful for running to catch the bus that always seems to start accelerating as I approach...).
Today's weights (save for the pull ups which are on my "must do" list) were based on some stuff I pulled from one of the Carmichael books I got yesterday from one of C's workmates (another great big thanks to said workmate!!). Although I quite enjoyed them, I think they took quite a bit out of me, and as C's workmate (and several authors) have said, it's probably not a great idea to focus too much on weights "during the season" as it may interfere with my recovery and speed (two things I am most definitely not looking to interfere with!!). But then again, some other "authorities" suggest that doing 1 or 2 weights sessions a week can be really beneficial. What to do, what to do?? Given I'm looking to drop of my "surplus" muscle, maybe it makes sense to give them a rest for a while - say 2 weeks and see how I get on. That said, I'm sticking with the pull ups!
Thursday 10 June 2010
Bike: 85 mins
10 min warm up - L10-12
A. Steady State Intervals ("SSI")
5x [8:5 SSI - i.e. 8mins hard (L15-16) with 5min recovery (L10)]
B. Sprint Intervals ("SI")
2x [1:1 SI - i.e. 1 min sprint (L13-14) with 1min recovery (L10)]
2x [30sec:30sec - 30 sec sprint with 30 sec recovery]
A pretty tough session if the sweat puddles under the bike were anything to go by! That said, todays session was shorter than most of my sessions. I'm not entirely convinced, but I might just be coming 'round to the idea (and benefits of) doing a slightly shorter, but more intense session. I'm sure I'll still do some longer sessions, but maybe (just maybe) I don't need to spend as long as I've been spending in the gym? Hmm…
Friday 11 June 2010
Run: 60mins
10 min warm up - 5 mins walking @3.5mph; 5 mins jogging at 6.1mph (9:50 min per mile pace "mpm")
6x [1000m repeats with 1 min RBI @3.5mph]
1st - @6.7 (8:57 mpm)
2nd - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
3rd - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
4th - @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
5th- @6.7 (approx 8:57 mpm)
6th - @7.0+ - the end was in sight so I really went for it!
BWx1, adding one plate and increasing by one rep, up to 10 reps
Leg Press - 3x20 reps
starting with top weight (i.e. most assistance) in PU pyramid, work down the pyramid - i.e. 10reps, decrease weight, 9 reps, etc. to 1 (or as low as you can go!)
Leg Press - "burnout" - 40reps (35kg), 15 second pause, then 10 more reps! DB bench press - 1x25reps
Whew! A really good (if rather difficult!) session. Quite "enjoyed" (in the sense I felt like I was really working and accomplishing something) the run, but goofed on the first work interval, running a mile (i.e. 1600m) instead of 1km, it was only when I was trying to figure out how I would manage to get all the intervals and recovery done in 60 minutes that it occurred to me that a mile is significantly longer than a KM (1600m vs 1000m!!)! Good thing I'm not the one setting out the run or bike course anywhere!!
I'd like to think I'm getting faster and stronger on the run, but am not really too sure. I suppose (1) it's only week two of the "new programme" and (2) I'll only know for sure come race day!
Pull ups, chin ups, leg press and bench press - just a bit of extra fun for the day; hadn't really planned on it (save for the PUs and CUs), but….
Saturday 12 June 2010
Bike: 120 mins - EM
120 mins EM, L12/13
Rowing: 10 mins
L10 - 5mins - reasonably hard effort, but not crazy, full out effort
1 min rest/recovery
L9 - 5 mins - same effort as above
CUs/ACUs - assorted (i.e. BW and increasing assistance)
The weekend! I woke up with a slightly scratchy throat, but otherwise felt fine (i.e. no coughing, or stuffy, blocked up head) so think it's just a one-off, not that I'm coming down with anything. Today's session wasn't particularly challening, but I'd like to think it was still a good session. From the various things I've been reading, I'm increasingly convinced that it's important to take it a bit easier sometimes, not to always go full throttle in the gym, to the point of feeling like you're going to collapse - that sometimes it's a good idea to have a more relaxed session - still being active, but not bust-a-gut type active. Maybe I'm just trying to find a justification for cutting back and doing a bit less (get lazy?), or maybe I'm opening my mind to training in a different way?
No real reason for adding rowing to my session today other than just feeling like it, mixing it up a bit. It really is a great exercise, and purportedly one of the best for increasing your cardiovascular fitness (not to mention getting lean!), so it's got to be a good thing. Think I might work a few rowing sessions into my workouts next week and see how I get on (previously I've found that it can aggravate my back a bit).
Sunday 13 June 2010
Workout: "Rest Day"
Hard to believe (to those that know me and my gym obsession...), but I actually took the day off! My throat continues to feel "scratchy" and now my head is feeling slightly congested, my nose slightly stuffy. Unless the guilt gets to me later (which I'm thinking it wont...), I think I'm just going to spend the day resting, relaxing and eating plenty of crap on the sofa! No doubt I'll wind up beating myself up tomorrow morning when I jump on the scale, but hey, a bit of crap every once in a while is good for the soul - if not the butt and thighs...
Saturday, 5 June 2010
The week that was ("TWTW"): 31 May - 6 June 2010
Monday 31 May 2010
Workout: RACE DAY! - Thames Turbo Race #3
Swim - 13:41 (45th in age group)
Bike - 44:43 (14th in age group)
Run - 28:51 (36th in age group)
Total - 1:27:15
Second tri done and dusted. Thankfully I managed to go faster than last time, improved my swim and T1 transition (despite doing only the first 2 lengths as crawl before once again (!?$%@!) switching to breast stroke), a bit slower on the bike (it didn't feel like a good bike when I was out on the course) but a bit faster on the run T2 transition.
All in, I improved my time by about a minute 30 seconds - not a great deal, but I did manage to improve, so I suppose I'm happy. Not quite the 5 minute improvement I was looking (not to mention hoping) for, but maybe that wasn't entirely realistic? Not sure. C also improved her time, and is now getting far too close for comfort - I most definitely need to get faster (or hope she slows down! (which of course I wouldn't wish for...))! What amazes me is that she doesn't train nearly as much as I do, yet STILL manages to post some reasonable times - maybe it's her considerably greater time spent "resting and recovering" (read "time under the duvet")!? It does make me wonder if maybe I do too much training, such that my body is in an almost constant state of trying to repair and get stronger, only for me to crack on with the next session before my body has had sufficient time to fully recover. Sort of dancing on the edge of the "overtraining cliff" - if not hanging by my finger tips!
With the possiblility that I'm overtraining in mind, I'm going to try a slightly different approach to my training over the coming weeks. I've got 13 weeks until Thames Turbo Race #4 (which it looks like we'll now be able to go to! Yahoo yippee!) which is more than enough time to try a new programme, see what sort of changes I note (whether good or bad) and if bad, regroup and refocus. My plan is to try a slightly modified approach to training for the next month or so, giving myself ample time to switch it up if I'm not happy with the direction the new programme is taking me. Given improving my overall time by 5 minutes is probably a tad on the ambitious side (nothing wrong with ambition, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment either!), my current thinking (which of course is subject to further revision) is to try to go sub 1:25 - so roughly another 2 minute improvement; think that should be more than doable (assuming no major technical/mechanical problems on race day of course). In terms of "takeaways" from this race, I'd say:
(1) push but don't push too hard in the swim;
(2) keep calm in T1 but get on with it - not the time to chit chat/dilly dally;
(3) work on pushing harder on the bike; consider more aero time;
(4) keep the cadence up on the run; and
(5) try not to eat 12 chocolate digestives the day before race day - hardly an ideal way to "carb load"!
Tuesday 1 June 2010
Swim: 45 mins
Steady state breast stoke - just trying to loosen everything up and relax (not to mention burn off some of the crap I ate after yesterday's race!!)
Run: (trying new programme for first time)
5min walking warm up at 3.5mph, 1% incline
5min warm up jog at 6.0mph - - feeling utterly exhausted so bailed on run to do a treadmill walk on an incline instead
Treadmill walk: 35 mins at 5.5-6.0kmh at 10-15% incline
Leg press - 25kgx10; 35x10; 45x10; 55x10; 65x10; 75x10;
Calf press - 25kgx10; 35x10; 45x10
Leg extension - 15kgx10; 35kgx10; 45kgx10; 55kgx10
Once again, I'm utterly shattered (despite taking a 2 hour nap yesterday after the Tri). Maybe it's the margaritas, maybe it's the effort of yesterday, either way, I'm utterly cooked. The cake is not only overcooked, but burnt! That said, I thought a bit of a session in the gym was a good idea - in hindsight, maybe not my brightest idea. I wound up spending the rest of the day exhausted and cranky; opting to hit the hay at 8:30pm. Pretty sure this was my best decision of the day.
Wednesday 2 June 2010
Run (once again trying the new running programme (although slightly modified to incorporate some training principles from another programme))
2 min walking warm up at 3.5mph, 1% incline (for all of run)
13mins @6.1mph (9:50mins per mile pace)
17mins @6.2mph (9:40 mins per mile pace)
Bike: 30 mins, steady state on Level 11
W/S: full body "Tri Weights"
3 total sets, broken into 1 set of 10 reps as "warm up", followed by 2 sets of 10 reps using increasing weight
1 - leg press
2 - lat pull down
3 - seated row
4 - leg extension
5 - chest press
6 - chest fly
7 - leg curls
8 - bicep curls
9 - tricep curls
10 - calf press
11 - DB lateral raise
12 - DB pullover
13 - shoulder press (using Olympic bar)
14 - bicep curls (using Olympic bar)
I'm feeling a great deal better today than I was yesterday; guessing the extra sleep has helped enormously. The run felt pretty good, and I think "easier" now that I'm trying to keep track of my cadence. I'm generally counting 45 foot strikes in 15 seconds, so that puts me pretty much bang on 180. I'll be interested to see how paying attention goes/works when I'm running faster times (i.e. the tempo pace workouts I've got planned for later in the week). Really enjoyed doing the weights again, but hoping I don't see myself putting on lots of muscle. I know that women don't (generally speaking) have the physiology to gain the masses of muscle that guys can, but I also know that I'm a women that tends to put on muscle pretty easily. The plan I'm intending to follow calls for strength training twice a week. I'll give it a go for a few weeks/a month and see how I get on, if I start turning into a "Hulkette" the weights will most definitely have to change!
Thursday 3 June 2010
Bike: 2 hours - easy (L11) steady state
Pull ups
Body weight - x3
Assisted with 5kg x4
Assisted with 12kg x5
Assisted with 19kg x6
I'm continuing to feel better, and definitely more rested than Tuesday. That said, I'm feeling the effects of yesterday's weight session; in particular I'm rather sore in the chest and lats. Should have swam today, but just didn't feel like it. In hindsight I'm glad I didn't as "Mr Swim Too Close"(same clod who "created a lane a 3rd lane" weeks ago; fair to say he's up for the "BPINTA Award" (i.e. the biggest pain in the ass award) was already in the pool when I got to the gym (clearly my altercation with him last week caused him to set his alarm earlier). My weight is dropping a bit; very much hoping the consequences of what can only be described as a "feeding frenzy" following Monday's tri will be gone by the weekend. Although I'm very much enjoying my training, I'm also sort of "relieved" that the next scheduled event is roughly 12 weeks away (unless of course we find another event before then...) - time to back off a bit (even if only a little bit) before regrouping and focussing on improving and making some gains. I can't believe I'm actually thinking about backing off a bit...strange (for me) but true. I'd like to think a bit of regrouping and then I can REALLY push it in training....
Friday 4 June 2010
Run: 60mins, 1% incline; a bit more than 9km
10 min warm up - 5 mins walking at 3.5mph and 5mins jogging at 6.1mph 6x 5minute repeats (because there was no way I'd be able to do the 3x8:30 min per mile mile repeats JD's programme called for!!)
5mins at 7.1mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 7.0mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.9mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.8mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.7mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.6mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
W/S: full body "Tri Weights"
1 - leg press - 5x12reps
2 - lat pull down - 5x12reps
3 - chest press - 5x12 reps
4 - calf press - 5x12reps
5 - leg extension - 5x12reps
6 - seated row - 3x12reps
7 - chest fly - 3x12 reps
8 - shoulder press (using Olympic bar) - 2x12; 1x10reps
9 - bicep curls (using Olympic bar) - 2x12; 1x10reps
10 - tricep rope press down - 3x12reps
11 - dead lift - 3x12reps
Whew! A VERY tough session. I feel sort of bad that I wasn't able to do the mile repeats, but as soon as I started running what was supposed to be the first mile repeat at "T" pace (i.e. tempo pace), which in my case is 8:30 min per mile, it became pretty obvious that there was no way I'd be able to hang on for a full mile, let alone 3 repeats of a mile! So…I decided the best way forward was to try to incorporate the idea or training protocol to some extent, meaning I did 5 minute repeats, with a 2 minute walking recovery in between. As I wasn't running a full mile, I decided to increase the number of repeats from 3 to 6. Needless to say, it was a much MUCH more challenging run session than I've had in a long time. Who'd a thunk running at 8:30mins per mile would be so difficult? Certainly not me! I'd like to think that with continued training and effort it will get easier - heck, I might even see my pace get faster! Can hardly wait until it's time to do a session using "I" (i.e. interval pace) pace - a "blistering" 7:48 mins per least that's how I suspect it's going to feel given my current training and fitness -get back to me in 12 weeks!) Second session of weights this week, enjoyable, but still somewhat concerned it's going to see me gaining more muscle and weight - very much NOT my goal - even if it's "toned weight"!
Saturday 5 June 2010
Run: 40 mins, 1% incline
5 min walking @3.5mph warm up, 5 min jogging w/u at 6.1mph
10mins @9:40min per mile pace
10mins @9:30 m.p.m pace
10 mins @ 9.20 mpm pace (though I did push it faster/harder towards the end)
Bike: 60 mins, L12 "Hills" programme - 30km
A good session. The run was definitely challenging, but it felt good to push things harder than I have previously - even if it left me pretty cooked. Used my new Saucony Hurricane's for the run - felt nice and comfy, and thankfully no hotspots/blisters! The bike was ok, but not today's "priority session" (which was the run), but I do think I'm going to be sure to work some hill type training into both my bike and run sessions (with the intention of developing more strength and power and all that...). I thought about swimming as well as running and biking, but, in the interest of not doing "too much" (not to mention not spending what looks like a hot and sunny day napping off my gym induced exhaustion!) I gave the swim a miss (which really wasn't a tough decision!). I think tomorrow's priority session will be bike, with maybe a swim thrown in after. Then again, I might take a rest day...then again, something about pigs and wings comes to mind...
Sunday 6 June 2010
TCS Field Test - 13mins
1 min FastPedal
1 min easy spin recovery
2 min FastPedal
1 min easy spin recovery
1 min PowerInterval - L16
2 min easy spin recovery
1 min PowerInterval - L17
4 min easy spin recovery
TCS Test
1st 8min effort - as hard as possible
10min easy spin recovery
2nd 8min effort - as hard as possible
30min, easy spin recovery
Treadmill walk: 30mins at 3.7mph, 0-10% incline
So much for a rest day. That said, although today's session was pretty intense, it was for a much shorter duration than my usual or typical weekend marathons. Just over 90mins as opposed to 3+ hours I've frequently done on weekends.
Yesterday I got Chris Carmichael's "The Time-Crunched Cyclist" and spent most of the day reading it cover to cover. As coach to Lance Armstrong, I'd like to think he knows a fair bit about how to put a cycling programme together. Admittedly Armstrong is an incredibly hardworking and gifted athlete, but at least some of his success has got to be down to the programme put together by his coach. The central idea behind the Time-Crunched Cyclist is high intensity training, for shorter periods of time than you would find in a "typical" cycling programme - i.e. no 5 hour rides. Carmichael's intention is to provide a programme that will allow someone with commitments beyond cycling (i.e. work, family, etc.) to train hard and reap the benefits of his programme without having to do nothing but cycling (i.e. no need to cycle 20+ hours a week). I may very well be wrong, but I'm thinking that incorporating his programme into my Tri training may very well improve my bike time. The programme looks pretty intense, but at the same time seems "doable". Central to his programme is training at the right intensities (whether in terms of heart rate and/or power (i.e. watts)), which means doing the "field test" (see above) to obtain your current data, which you then use to calculate various training zones which you will use for the various types of training included in his programme.
Given how much improvement I noticed when I was doing the Turbo Training programmes, I'm pretty sure upping the intensity via the TCS programme will be just the ticket to a faster, stronger bike. The test itself was pretty challenging (fair to say I was really sucking wind on the last few minutes of the two 8 minute effort tests), so I'm guessing the programme is going to push me pretty hard. Sounds good.
Think the new programme is coming together nicely, Carmichael's programme for the bike, Daniels' programme for the run, now to figure out/find something for the swim - a jet ski would be nice, but I'm guessing not permitted...
Workout: RACE DAY! - Thames Turbo Race #3
Swim - 13:41 (45th in age group)
Bike - 44:43 (14th in age group)
Run - 28:51 (36th in age group)
Total - 1:27:15
Second tri done and dusted. Thankfully I managed to go faster than last time, improved my swim and T1 transition (despite doing only the first 2 lengths as crawl before once again (!?$%@!) switching to breast stroke), a bit slower on the bike (it didn't feel like a good bike when I was out on the course) but a bit faster on the run T2 transition.
All in, I improved my time by about a minute 30 seconds - not a great deal, but I did manage to improve, so I suppose I'm happy. Not quite the 5 minute improvement I was looking (not to mention hoping) for, but maybe that wasn't entirely realistic? Not sure. C also improved her time, and is now getting far too close for comfort - I most definitely need to get faster (or hope she slows down! (which of course I wouldn't wish for...))! What amazes me is that she doesn't train nearly as much as I do, yet STILL manages to post some reasonable times - maybe it's her considerably greater time spent "resting and recovering" (read "time under the duvet")!? It does make me wonder if maybe I do too much training, such that my body is in an almost constant state of trying to repair and get stronger, only for me to crack on with the next session before my body has had sufficient time to fully recover. Sort of dancing on the edge of the "overtraining cliff" - if not hanging by my finger tips!
With the possiblility that I'm overtraining in mind, I'm going to try a slightly different approach to my training over the coming weeks. I've got 13 weeks until Thames Turbo Race #4 (which it looks like we'll now be able to go to! Yahoo yippee!) which is more than enough time to try a new programme, see what sort of changes I note (whether good or bad) and if bad, regroup and refocus. My plan is to try a slightly modified approach to training for the next month or so, giving myself ample time to switch it up if I'm not happy with the direction the new programme is taking me. Given improving my overall time by 5 minutes is probably a tad on the ambitious side (nothing wrong with ambition, but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment either!), my current thinking (which of course is subject to further revision) is to try to go sub 1:25 - so roughly another 2 minute improvement; think that should be more than doable (assuming no major technical/mechanical problems on race day of course). In terms of "takeaways" from this race, I'd say:
(1) push but don't push too hard in the swim;
(2) keep calm in T1 but get on with it - not the time to chit chat/dilly dally;
(3) work on pushing harder on the bike; consider more aero time;
(4) keep the cadence up on the run; and
(5) try not to eat 12 chocolate digestives the day before race day - hardly an ideal way to "carb load"!
Tuesday 1 June 2010
Swim: 45 mins
Steady state breast stoke - just trying to loosen everything up and relax (not to mention burn off some of the crap I ate after yesterday's race!!)
Run: (trying new programme for first time)
5min walking warm up at 3.5mph, 1% incline
5min warm up jog at 6.0mph - - feeling utterly exhausted so bailed on run to do a treadmill walk on an incline instead
Treadmill walk: 35 mins at 5.5-6.0kmh at 10-15% incline
Leg press - 25kgx10; 35x10; 45x10; 55x10; 65x10; 75x10;
Calf press - 25kgx10; 35x10; 45x10
Leg extension - 15kgx10; 35kgx10; 45kgx10; 55kgx10
Once again, I'm utterly shattered (despite taking a 2 hour nap yesterday after the Tri). Maybe it's the margaritas, maybe it's the effort of yesterday, either way, I'm utterly cooked. The cake is not only overcooked, but burnt! That said, I thought a bit of a session in the gym was a good idea - in hindsight, maybe not my brightest idea. I wound up spending the rest of the day exhausted and cranky; opting to hit the hay at 8:30pm. Pretty sure this was my best decision of the day.
Wednesday 2 June 2010
Run (once again trying the new running programme (although slightly modified to incorporate some training principles from another programme))
2 min walking warm up at 3.5mph, 1% incline (for all of run)
13mins @6.1mph (9:50mins per mile pace)
17mins @6.2mph (9:40 mins per mile pace)
Bike: 30 mins, steady state on Level 11
W/S: full body "Tri Weights"
3 total sets, broken into 1 set of 10 reps as "warm up", followed by 2 sets of 10 reps using increasing weight
1 - leg press
2 - lat pull down
3 - seated row
4 - leg extension
5 - chest press
6 - chest fly
7 - leg curls
8 - bicep curls
9 - tricep curls
10 - calf press
11 - DB lateral raise
12 - DB pullover
13 - shoulder press (using Olympic bar)
14 - bicep curls (using Olympic bar)
I'm feeling a great deal better today than I was yesterday; guessing the extra sleep has helped enormously. The run felt pretty good, and I think "easier" now that I'm trying to keep track of my cadence. I'm generally counting 45 foot strikes in 15 seconds, so that puts me pretty much bang on 180. I'll be interested to see how paying attention goes/works when I'm running faster times (i.e. the tempo pace workouts I've got planned for later in the week). Really enjoyed doing the weights again, but hoping I don't see myself putting on lots of muscle. I know that women don't (generally speaking) have the physiology to gain the masses of muscle that guys can, but I also know that I'm a women that tends to put on muscle pretty easily. The plan I'm intending to follow calls for strength training twice a week. I'll give it a go for a few weeks/a month and see how I get on, if I start turning into a "Hulkette" the weights will most definitely have to change!
Thursday 3 June 2010
Bike: 2 hours - easy (L11) steady state
Pull ups
Body weight - x3
Assisted with 5kg x4
Assisted with 12kg x5
Assisted with 19kg x6
I'm continuing to feel better, and definitely more rested than Tuesday. That said, I'm feeling the effects of yesterday's weight session; in particular I'm rather sore in the chest and lats. Should have swam today, but just didn't feel like it. In hindsight I'm glad I didn't as "Mr Swim Too Close"(same clod who "created a lane a 3rd lane" weeks ago; fair to say he's up for the "BPINTA Award" (i.e. the biggest pain in the ass award) was already in the pool when I got to the gym (clearly my altercation with him last week caused him to set his alarm earlier). My weight is dropping a bit; very much hoping the consequences of what can only be described as a "feeding frenzy" following Monday's tri will be gone by the weekend. Although I'm very much enjoying my training, I'm also sort of "relieved" that the next scheduled event is roughly 12 weeks away (unless of course we find another event before then...) - time to back off a bit (even if only a little bit) before regrouping and focussing on improving and making some gains. I can't believe I'm actually thinking about backing off a bit...strange (for me) but true. I'd like to think a bit of regrouping and then I can REALLY push it in training....
Friday 4 June 2010
Run: 60mins, 1% incline; a bit more than 9km
10 min warm up - 5 mins walking at 3.5mph and 5mins jogging at 6.1mph 6x 5minute repeats (because there was no way I'd be able to do the 3x8:30 min per mile mile repeats JD's programme called for!!)
5mins at 7.1mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 7.0mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.9mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.8mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.7mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
5mins at 6.6mph with 2 minute walking recovery at 3.5mph
W/S: full body "Tri Weights"
1 - leg press - 5x12reps
2 - lat pull down - 5x12reps
3 - chest press - 5x12 reps
4 - calf press - 5x12reps
5 - leg extension - 5x12reps
6 - seated row - 3x12reps
7 - chest fly - 3x12 reps
8 - shoulder press (using Olympic bar) - 2x12; 1x10reps
9 - bicep curls (using Olympic bar) - 2x12; 1x10reps
10 - tricep rope press down - 3x12reps
11 - dead lift - 3x12reps
Whew! A VERY tough session. I feel sort of bad that I wasn't able to do the mile repeats, but as soon as I started running what was supposed to be the first mile repeat at "T" pace (i.e. tempo pace), which in my case is 8:30 min per mile, it became pretty obvious that there was no way I'd be able to hang on for a full mile, let alone 3 repeats of a mile! So…I decided the best way forward was to try to incorporate the idea or training protocol to some extent, meaning I did 5 minute repeats, with a 2 minute walking recovery in between. As I wasn't running a full mile, I decided to increase the number of repeats from 3 to 6. Needless to say, it was a much MUCH more challenging run session than I've had in a long time. Who'd a thunk running at 8:30mins per mile would be so difficult? Certainly not me! I'd like to think that with continued training and effort it will get easier - heck, I might even see my pace get faster! Can hardly wait until it's time to do a session using "I" (i.e. interval pace) pace - a "blistering" 7:48 mins per least that's how I suspect it's going to feel given my current training and fitness -get back to me in 12 weeks!) Second session of weights this week, enjoyable, but still somewhat concerned it's going to see me gaining more muscle and weight - very much NOT my goal - even if it's "toned weight"!
Saturday 5 June 2010
Run: 40 mins, 1% incline
5 min walking @3.5mph warm up, 5 min jogging w/u at 6.1mph
10mins @9:40min per mile pace
10mins @9:30 m.p.m pace
10 mins @ 9.20 mpm pace (though I did push it faster/harder towards the end)
Bike: 60 mins, L12 "Hills" programme - 30km
A good session. The run was definitely challenging, but it felt good to push things harder than I have previously - even if it left me pretty cooked. Used my new Saucony Hurricane's for the run - felt nice and comfy, and thankfully no hotspots/blisters! The bike was ok, but not today's "priority session" (which was the run), but I do think I'm going to be sure to work some hill type training into both my bike and run sessions (with the intention of developing more strength and power and all that...). I thought about swimming as well as running and biking, but, in the interest of not doing "too much" (not to mention not spending what looks like a hot and sunny day napping off my gym induced exhaustion!) I gave the swim a miss (which really wasn't a tough decision!). I think tomorrow's priority session will be bike, with maybe a swim thrown in after. Then again, I might take a rest day...then again, something about pigs and wings comes to mind...
Sunday 6 June 2010
TCS Field Test - 13mins
1 min FastPedal
1 min easy spin recovery
2 min FastPedal
1 min easy spin recovery
1 min PowerInterval - L16
2 min easy spin recovery
1 min PowerInterval - L17
4 min easy spin recovery
TCS Test
1st 8min effort - as hard as possible
10min easy spin recovery
2nd 8min effort - as hard as possible
30min, easy spin recovery
Treadmill walk: 30mins at 3.7mph, 0-10% incline
So much for a rest day. That said, although today's session was pretty intense, it was for a much shorter duration than my usual or typical weekend marathons. Just over 90mins as opposed to 3+ hours I've frequently done on weekends.
Yesterday I got Chris Carmichael's "The Time-Crunched Cyclist" and spent most of the day reading it cover to cover. As coach to Lance Armstrong, I'd like to think he knows a fair bit about how to put a cycling programme together. Admittedly Armstrong is an incredibly hardworking and gifted athlete, but at least some of his success has got to be down to the programme put together by his coach. The central idea behind the Time-Crunched Cyclist is high intensity training, for shorter periods of time than you would find in a "typical" cycling programme - i.e. no 5 hour rides. Carmichael's intention is to provide a programme that will allow someone with commitments beyond cycling (i.e. work, family, etc.) to train hard and reap the benefits of his programme without having to do nothing but cycling (i.e. no need to cycle 20+ hours a week). I may very well be wrong, but I'm thinking that incorporating his programme into my Tri training may very well improve my bike time. The programme looks pretty intense, but at the same time seems "doable". Central to his programme is training at the right intensities (whether in terms of heart rate and/or power (i.e. watts)), which means doing the "field test" (see above) to obtain your current data, which you then use to calculate various training zones which you will use for the various types of training included in his programme.
Given how much improvement I noticed when I was doing the Turbo Training programmes, I'm pretty sure upping the intensity via the TCS programme will be just the ticket to a faster, stronger bike. The test itself was pretty challenging (fair to say I was really sucking wind on the last few minutes of the two 8 minute effort tests), so I'm guessing the programme is going to push me pretty hard. Sounds good.
Think the new programme is coming together nicely, Carmichael's programme for the bike, Daniels' programme for the run, now to figure out/find something for the swim - a jet ski would be nice, but I'm guessing not permitted...
The week that was: 24 - 30 May 2010
Monday 24 May 2010
Bike: 60 mins "Power & Strength" programme
5(hard)/5(easy)mins - L15/L10 30mins,
30mins steady state, "easy pedal", L10/11
Romanian D.L
bent over row
shoulder press
bicep curl
forward lunges
calf raises
(10reps all exercises - first circuit 20Kg (i.e. empty Olympic bar); second and third circuit with 22.5kg)
Bike: 10mins, steady state (but sustained hard effort), L12
Feeling much more rested and recharged (must have been yesterday's medicinal Mojito's…). I had planned on swimming today, but just didn't feel like it, am telling myself I'll swim tomorrow. Think it's coming together for next week (i.e. Thames Turbo Race #3). That said, I know I've got to continue working on my swim as well as ensuring my legs are "run ready" after the bike.
Tuesday 25 May 2010
Swim: 30mins
Warm up of 10 lengths of each of breast stroke ("BS") and crawl ("C"), then 1-10 pyramid (i.e. 1 length of BS, 1 length of C, 2 lengths of BS, 2 lengths of C - from 1 to 10)
Run: 5km - 29:36mins - 1%incline
Started on 6.3mph - no "walking warm up" - felt really hard (not sure why) - started doing "effort pyramids" (i.e. 1 min at 6.5mph, 2 min recover @6.0mph, 2mins @6.5, 2mins@6.0; 3mins@6.5; 6mins@6.0
Bike: 60mins - 32km+ - L12
I think my swim might actually be getting better! I quite enjoyed (something I never thought I'd say about swim training!) today's length pyramid; I'll definitely do this again. Not too sure why the run felt so hard today, but it did. Slightly disappointed in my run, as I very much wanted to better my previous 5km TT (which is hardly anything amazing in my books!). I really thought today's run would be faster, if only as a result of cuting out the 2 minute walking warm up I did in my last run TT. Maybe it was a function of having done a 30minute swim before the run (when I did my last run TT it was the first element of my workout, so (at least in theory) I was "fresh"). Despite finding the run hard, I tried to keep the pace up by doing the effort pyramids, but my overall time was STILL slower. Drat. Double Drat. Maybe I was just in a "pyramid" sort of mood today, but I liked doing the effort pyramids on the run - think I'll work them into my programme (with the aim of running faster). I didn't find the bike too bad, though I did sweat up a storm - left some rather large sweat puddles (if not lakes!) on the floor under (and behind) the bike. I so HATE the way my tri shorts "drain" when I bike after swimming - I can only hope that my fellow gym goers don't think I've had a "bladder related incident"...
Wednesday 26 May 2010
Run - 52 mins, 1% incline (cut my planned 60 mins so I could snag the remaining bike)
5 min warm up, followed by "interval buildups" at 1% incline
30 sec effort with 60-120 sec walking (at 3.5 mph) recovery
60 sec effort with same recovery as above
90 sec effort with recovery as above
120 effort with recovery as above
First interval buildup or pyramid the effort interval is done at 7.0mph; the second pyramid is done at 7.5mph
Speed intervals - 30 second effort with 60 sec recovery (walking @3.5mph)
Bike: 30 mins, steady state, L11
W - Leg complexes:
20 squats
20 alternate lunges
20 jumping lunges/split squats
10 squat jumps
each exercise done one after the other; 3 rounds - whew!!
Treadmill walk: 15mins, 10% incline at 5.5mph
DB chest press - 12kgx15/14x10/16x10/18x6
O-bar shoulder press + O-bar bicep curl - 3 sets of 10 reps
Thursday 27 May 2010
Workout? What workout! For reasons unknown, I woke up utterly exhausted. So exhausted that I decided to give the gym a miss, which, for me, is HIGHLY unusual. Maybe it's an accumulation of fatigue, maybe I'm coming down with something (please oh please tell me I'm not coming down with something!!), or maybe, as a good friend said, "maybe you're just having an off day; you are human". An off day? Me? Ok, I'll cop to being human, but having an off day? Hardly. Suppose it doesn't really matter (so long as I'm not coming down with something!). Bottom line, I actually listened to my body and took the day off. Hard to believe, but true! I'm sincerely hoping I feel better tomorrow.
Friday 28 May 2010
Thankfully I felt much much better today when I woke up; maybe it is true what they say (i.e. about your body needing rest?!?!)?!
Swim: 35mins
10 length warm up for each of breast and crawl, then "length pyramid" of breast and crawl for lengths of 1-11.
Bike: 60mins, steady state on Level 11
W/S: DB complexes
With 10kg DBs
DB squat
DB Romanian Dead lift
DB Bent over row
DB alternate shoulder press
DB bicep curl
DB alternate chest press (aka "guard attack")
press ups
reverse lunges with DBs
squat jumps with DBs
weighted swiss ball crunch with DB (1x10kg)
3 circuits of 10 reps of each exercise (save for reverse lunges (10 total) and squat jumps (5 total))
A good session; maybe a bit too much so close to "race day", but it's me trying to deal with stress and probably being just a (teensy) bit obsessive...
Saturday 29 May 2010
Bike: 40km - approximately 81mins on Level 11, steady state
Run: 34mins total, 1% incline
10min warm up at 6-6.2miles per hour
2mins @6.8mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @7.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
10 length warm up for each of breast and crawl,
"length pyramid" of breast and crawl for lengths of 1-12;
5x5s (i.e. 5 lengths of each of breast and crawl x 5 sets).
Getting a bit nervous about the upcoming race, but really pleased my swimming seems to be better. Here's to hoping I don't panic in the pool and revert to doing the entire swim using breast stroke! But…if I do, I now know it's not the end of the world(though I of course do want to "one day" do the entire swim section with crawl!) The run session is based on something I pulled from one of my many books ("Daniels' Running Formula" by Jack Daniels (and NO, I kid you not, his name really is "Jack Daniels" as in the rockstar bourbon!) - probably not the best idea to do it so close to race day, but hey, it's me and I'm a total sucker for a new programme (particularly when it promises to make me run faster)! One of the main points I took away from my really quick skim of the book is to try to up my cadence - apparently top class runners will generally have 180 foot strikes per minute, "simply" lengthening or shortening their stride to run faster or slower. I took note and gosh gee, I think it works! Increasing the number of foot strikes apparently reduces the "air time" which means less pounding on your legs (knees, ankles, feet, etc) which (should) mean your legs don't get as fatigued. Less fatigued legs and finding it easier to run at a faster pace?? If so, it's most definitely for me!
Sunday 30 May 2010
Bike: 90mins - approximately 40ish KM
steady state, level 11
5x5s - (i.e. 5 lengths of each of breast and crawl x 5 sets).
'Twas the day before race day, and I should have been resting, but…I wasn't. Instead, I did an "easy" bike and swim session, more in the interest of calming my nerves and getting into the right head space than any desire to get fitter or faster prior to tomorrow's race. Here's to hoping it all comes together on race day!
Bike: 60 mins "Power & Strength" programme
5(hard)/5(easy)mins - L15/L10 30mins,
30mins steady state, "easy pedal", L10/11
back squatRomanian D.L
bent over row
shoulder press
bicep curl
forward lunges
calf raises
(10reps all exercises - first circuit 20Kg (i.e. empty Olympic bar); second and third circuit with 22.5kg)
Bike: 10mins, steady state (but sustained hard effort), L12
Feeling much more rested and recharged (must have been yesterday's medicinal Mojito's…). I had planned on swimming today, but just didn't feel like it, am telling myself I'll swim tomorrow. Think it's coming together for next week (i.e. Thames Turbo Race #3). That said, I know I've got to continue working on my swim as well as ensuring my legs are "run ready" after the bike.
Tuesday 25 May 2010
Swim: 30mins
Warm up of 10 lengths of each of breast stroke ("BS") and crawl ("C"), then 1-10 pyramid (i.e. 1 length of BS, 1 length of C, 2 lengths of BS, 2 lengths of C - from 1 to 10)
Run: 5km - 29:36mins - 1%incline
Started on 6.3mph - no "walking warm up" - felt really hard (not sure why) - started doing "effort pyramids" (i.e. 1 min at 6.5mph, 2 min recover @6.0mph, 2mins @6.5, 2mins@6.0; 3mins@6.5; 6mins@6.0
Bike: 60mins - 32km+ - L12
I think my swim might actually be getting better! I quite enjoyed (something I never thought I'd say about swim training!) today's length pyramid; I'll definitely do this again. Not too sure why the run felt so hard today, but it did. Slightly disappointed in my run, as I very much wanted to better my previous 5km TT (which is hardly anything amazing in my books!). I really thought today's run would be faster, if only as a result of cuting out the 2 minute walking warm up I did in my last run TT. Maybe it was a function of having done a 30minute swim before the run (when I did my last run TT it was the first element of my workout, so (at least in theory) I was "fresh"). Despite finding the run hard, I tried to keep the pace up by doing the effort pyramids, but my overall time was STILL slower. Drat. Double Drat. Maybe I was just in a "pyramid" sort of mood today, but I liked doing the effort pyramids on the run - think I'll work them into my programme (with the aim of running faster). I didn't find the bike too bad, though I did sweat up a storm - left some rather large sweat puddles (if not lakes!) on the floor under (and behind) the bike. I so HATE the way my tri shorts "drain" when I bike after swimming - I can only hope that my fellow gym goers don't think I've had a "bladder related incident"...
Wednesday 26 May 2010
Run - 52 mins, 1% incline (cut my planned 60 mins so I could snag the remaining bike)
5 min warm up, followed by "interval buildups" at 1% incline
30 sec effort with 60-120 sec walking (at 3.5 mph) recovery
60 sec effort with same recovery as above
90 sec effort with recovery as above
120 effort with recovery as above
First interval buildup or pyramid the effort interval is done at 7.0mph; the second pyramid is done at 7.5mph
Speed intervals - 30 second effort with 60 sec recovery (walking @3.5mph)
Bike: 30 mins, steady state, L11
W - Leg complexes:
20 squats
20 alternate lunges
20 jumping lunges/split squats
10 squat jumps
each exercise done one after the other; 3 rounds - whew!!
Treadmill walk: 15mins, 10% incline at 5.5mph
DB chest press - 12kgx15/14x10/16x10/18x6
O-bar shoulder press + O-bar bicep curl - 3 sets of 10 reps
Thursday 27 May 2010
Workout? What workout! For reasons unknown, I woke up utterly exhausted. So exhausted that I decided to give the gym a miss, which, for me, is HIGHLY unusual. Maybe it's an accumulation of fatigue, maybe I'm coming down with something (please oh please tell me I'm not coming down with something!!), or maybe, as a good friend said, "maybe you're just having an off day; you are human". An off day? Me? Ok, I'll cop to being human, but having an off day? Hardly. Suppose it doesn't really matter (so long as I'm not coming down with something!). Bottom line, I actually listened to my body and took the day off. Hard to believe, but true! I'm sincerely hoping I feel better tomorrow.
Friday 28 May 2010
Thankfully I felt much much better today when I woke up; maybe it is true what they say (i.e. about your body needing rest?!?!)?!
Swim: 35mins
10 length warm up for each of breast and crawl, then "length pyramid" of breast and crawl for lengths of 1-11.
Bike: 60mins, steady state on Level 11
W/S: DB complexes
With 10kg DBs
DB squat
DB Romanian Dead lift
DB Bent over row
DB alternate shoulder press
DB bicep curl
DB alternate chest press (aka "guard attack")
press ups
reverse lunges with DBs
squat jumps with DBs
weighted swiss ball crunch with DB (1x10kg)
3 circuits of 10 reps of each exercise (save for reverse lunges (10 total) and squat jumps (5 total))
A good session; maybe a bit too much so close to "race day", but it's me trying to deal with stress and probably being just a (teensy) bit obsessive...
Saturday 29 May 2010
Bike: 40km - approximately 81mins on Level 11, steady state
Run: 34mins total, 1% incline
10min warm up at 6-6.2miles per hour
2mins @6.8mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @7.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
2mins @8.1mph with 2 min walking recovery at 3.5mph
10 length warm up for each of breast and crawl,
"length pyramid" of breast and crawl for lengths of 1-12;
5x5s (i.e. 5 lengths of each of breast and crawl x 5 sets).
Getting a bit nervous about the upcoming race, but really pleased my swimming seems to be better. Here's to hoping I don't panic in the pool and revert to doing the entire swim using breast stroke! But…if I do, I now know it's not the end of the world(though I of course do want to "one day" do the entire swim section with crawl!) The run session is based on something I pulled from one of my many books ("Daniels' Running Formula" by Jack Daniels (and NO, I kid you not, his name really is "Jack Daniels" as in the rockstar bourbon!) - probably not the best idea to do it so close to race day, but hey, it's me and I'm a total sucker for a new programme (particularly when it promises to make me run faster)! One of the main points I took away from my really quick skim of the book is to try to up my cadence - apparently top class runners will generally have 180 foot strikes per minute, "simply" lengthening or shortening their stride to run faster or slower. I took note and gosh gee, I think it works! Increasing the number of foot strikes apparently reduces the "air time" which means less pounding on your legs (knees, ankles, feet, etc) which (should) mean your legs don't get as fatigued. Less fatigued legs and finding it easier to run at a faster pace?? If so, it's most definitely for me!
Sunday 30 May 2010
Bike: 90mins - approximately 40ish KM
steady state, level 11
5x5s - (i.e. 5 lengths of each of breast and crawl x 5 sets).
'Twas the day before race day, and I should have been resting, but…I wasn't. Instead, I did an "easy" bike and swim session, more in the interest of calming my nerves and getting into the right head space than any desire to get fitter or faster prior to tomorrow's race. Here's to hoping it all comes together on race day!
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